Delegating With Ease

Take Back Control Of Your Time

Are your leadership skills lacking? Are you in a new position to lead? No matter how long you’ve been managing a team, the ability to delegate is an essential skill both in and out of the workspace!

While it would be great if you could do everything yourself, the reality is that we all need a little help. In order to keep productivity and efficiency levels high, you’ll have to learn how to pass on tasks to others.

This interactive experience is your opportunity to engage and learn alongside others looking to improve delegation skills.

Join me for Delegating With Ease on Tuesday, June 8th at 12:00 pm AWST to take back control of your time and create an atmosphere of empowerment, respect, and innovation in your workplace!

Meet Suzzanne Laidlaw, The Facilitator of Delegating With Ease

Hosted by:

Suzzanne Laidlaw, Business & Executive Coach

Manage More Effectively

Delegating With Ease is a webinar specially designed with leaders in mind. No matter what your leadership style is, at some point in your career it’s likely you will need to delegate tasks to a team of people. My goal is to help you learn how to delegate project tasks to manage effectively and successfully.

Your role as a leader is to shape the thoughts and ideas of others with your sought-after perspective, instead of dictating plans to them. Your goal should be to step away from roles that you used to fill, as you find new people to fill those roles for you, and start building and growing.

If you’re ready to learn how to delegate like a boss, sign up now!

I Can’t Wait to Share with You on Tuesday, June 8th at 12:00 pm AWST!